FIZZ Descaler
Phosphoric Acid Descaler & rust Remover
For Kitchen equipment, Bathroom fixtures & Transport industry
Ideal for Stainless steel and non sensitive metals
A concentrated food-safe acid based cleaner and descaler developed for use in kitchens and food processing areas. Ideal for descaling, kettles, boilers, dish and glass washing machines, ice makers, bain maries and most other catering equipment. Works equally well in hard and soft water conditions. Safe to use on stainless steel surfaces and suitable for cleaning stainless steel sinks, cladding etc. It removes lime scale build up and spotting caused by hard water quick and effectively. Regular cleaning and descaling of catering equipment improves their efficiency prolongs their life and reduces running costs.
Also perfect for descaling shower heads, pipes, taps urinals and fittings.
- Odourless and non tainting - for use in food processing areas.
- No nasty fumes.
- Effective action – Quickly dissolves lime scale and hard water spotting.
- Safe to use on stainless steel equipment and surfaces.
- Concentrated – Economical to use.
- Solutions can be used several times.
- Prolongs life of catering equipment and saves money.
- Supplied in heavy duty 5L UN Jars.
Kettles: Fill with water and boil. Disconnect power supply. Pour in up to 1 cupful of descaler, depending on level of scale build-up. Leave to work. When fizzing stops process is finished. Empty out contents and rinse thoroughly with clean water.
Bain Maries, boilers etc.: Warm water, disconnect power and pour in concentrate at the rate of 1 litre for every 15 – 20 litres of water. When scale is removed rinse thoroughly.
Dish & Glass Washing machines : Disconnect dosing units. Fill with water and pour in concentrate at a rate of 1 litre to 20 litres of water. Switch machine on and run for 10 minutes. Drain off contents and fill with clean water. Run for 5 minutes.
Automatic machines: Disconnect power supply. Pour in a solution of Fizz made up in advance containing 250mls per 5L of warm water. Leave for 20 to 30 minutes. Drain the machine and rinse several times with clean water to remove all residues.
Stainless steel surfaces: Make up a solution of 1 part of Fizz Descaler mixed with between 5 and 10 parts of water. Apply onto surface by wiping, mopping or spraying. Allow to remain in contact for a few minutes without allowing it to dry. Agitate if necessary with a brush and rinse off thoroughly with clean water.
Where scale is heavy more than one application may be necessary. It also may be necessary to agitate and scrub surface with a soft brush.
Glass: Excellent for removing Limescale from glass surfaces. Dilute with between 1 and 4 parts water. Apply the diluted phosphoric acid solution to the affected glass surface. It can be applied using a spray bottle or by soaking a cloth and placing it over the stained area. Allow the solution to sit on the limescale for a few minutes. The exact time can depend on the concentration of the acid and the thickness of the limescale. Start with a shorter dwell time and increase as needed. Use a non-abrasive sponge or cloth to gently scrub the glass. Phosphoric acid will loosen the limescale, making it easier to remove. Thoroughly rinse the glass with water after cleaning to remove any residual acid solution. This is important to prevent any potential damage to the glass or surrounding materials.
NB: Never apply phosphoric acid to glass surface if above 200C as this can lead to damage of the glass.
SAFETY: Always wear appropriate safety clothing (PPE) including gloves when handling concentrated chemicals.
Do not allow Fizz descaler to dry out on aluminium surfaces. Do not use on magnesium alloy or anodised surfaces.