Bone Meal Sterilised Organic Fertilizer
Bonemeal is a most valuable organic fertiliser providing a long lasting slow release of phosphates and nitrogen.
Before planting - Fruit canes, bushes, shrubs, trees, perennials and bulbs will benefit from an application of Bonemeal when they are to be planted. Mix the Bonemeal with the soil in the planting hole at 135g per square metre.
Established bushes - Give established fruit bushes and canes, shrubs and young fruit trees a top dressing of Bonemeal at 135g per square metre each Spring. Work well into the soil.
Recommended Application Rate - 135g per square metre.
Total Nitrogen (N) - 3.5%
Total Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5) - 18% (7.7% P)
Additional information from wikipedia:
Bone meal is a mixture of finely and coarsely ground animal bones and slaughter-house waste products. It is used as an organic fertilizer for plants and as a nutritional supplement for animals. As a slow-release fertilizer, bone meal is primarily used as a source of phosphorus. Finely ground bone meal may provide a quicker release of nutrients than the coarser ground version of bone meal. In non-agricultural soils, phosphorus and calcium usually already exist in adequate quantities for healthy growth of plants.
Bone meal is frequently used, for the phosphorus, in preparing planting holes for blooming bulbs. The calcium in bone meal may help tomato plants prevent blossom-end rot. However, blossom-end rot can happen even with sufficient calcium present if watering is irregular.